• Digital transformation committee in Zaporizhzhia

    Ukrainian new government has organized the first meeting of the Digital Transformation Committee of Ukrainian parliament with a local region. The committee team came to our hometown - Zaporozhye to discuss the most pressing themes of Ukraine's digital transformation. Together with representatives of profile companies and organizations, including our company Bineks, important topics were raised and questions that concern IT specialists were answered. Three important areas were discussed: ▪ electronic communications; ▪ development of IT industry and start-ups as a…
  • Laravel for eCommerce?

    The debate of the PHP community about the pros and cons of using frameworks or CMS systems for website development has not stopped for a long time, and developers always choose the implementation path in accordance with their preferences. Our answer to this question is the goal of the developer of the site and its characteristics. In this text, we would like to give some aspects of projects in which it is worth choosing Laravel over CMS for the development…